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. who am i? . . amulya sastri! pronouns are she/her/hers. heterosexual. lofi music. anything rain and night. road trips and sunset drives. chocolate milkshakes and whipped cream. books thick enough to be a weapon.. what do i do? . . i design! specifically, graphic design. i've done work on wattpad since 2020, and this has now become one of my passions i hope to be able to make a living from someday! currently i'm exploring ui design specifically, tumblr coding.

before you follow . i drop off the grid often. can be an asshole. i don't do trigger / content warnings / tone tags. private messages open for friends. dry texter. selective followbacks. occasional keyboard smashes. use my name when referring to or addressing me, i'm not your bro/sis/dear or whatever else.

do not follow if . you use discriminatory excuses to validate your actions. inconsiderate without reason. you steal use things without permission and/or credit. you're a huge pain in the ass in general. you can't be bothered to check the validity of certain situations before jumping in head-first with baseless accusations.

. red light . . the wattpad graphic requester's handbook | updates as needed | coming soon | [🡭]
. over lines . . june 2024 exhibit | coming soon | [🡭]